Quem faz RI tem idéias meio loucas, FATO! Daí, pra não contrariar, eu criei esse
post pra tentar ter uma noção de como foi a reação de
jovens ao redor do mundo sobre a morte de Osama bin Laden.
Os textos são pequenos, simples e dinâmicos, então é bem tranquilo de ler! A ideia que começou apenas como uma curiosidade minha rendeu esse post que já está bem grande e assim que as pessoas forem me respondendo eu vou acrescentando aqui!
Cat Howard - EUA"
There was a big rally at the capitol here in Austin. Every one's excited, its kinda the same unified feeling like right after 9-11. We all went through the same thing with that tragedy and we all feel the justice now.
Yeah its excatly like that (4th of july), everyone is really proud of the government
regardless of their political views."
Farrah Larsen - EUA"I had no idea he died, maybe america is just saying he's dead and stuff
so that theyll finally focus on what matters most: our dumb economy."Rebecca Cowle - EUA"Yes we have been talking about it in all of my world politics classes! Everyone down here is going crazy about it and there have been fireworks going off all day. My politics professors have said that there is probably going to be negative fallout from this down the road, but most people aren't really thinking of that. Not everyone is an international politics major like us :) hahhah"Eliza Bartlett - Austrália"Basically most of australia hasnt done too much after his death. It's been big news on the TV, and everyone is pretty happy about it but noone is really doing too much. Its not quite as big here as the US. haha Everyone is hoping our soldiers come back soon though so we are hoping that his death helps that happen alot quicker.
There are heaps of travel warnings though so alot of australians dont want to travel to the US at the moment as they believe another terrorism attack could occur by allies of Osama."Mali Mendonça - EUA"Eu estava com um amigo canadense na hora que foi anunciado, na verdade vi pelo face e avisei a galera. Ele ficou prestando muita atenção , enquanto os demais brasucas nem deram atenção... Esteve nos jornais mas quase não se falou sobre isso."Bronwyn Metcalf - África do Sul"Mixed reactions abt osama's death. Lots of conspiracy theories floating around ranging from that he's not really dead 2 that it was all just a political move on obamas part. Was a discussion on the radio the other mornin abt what will happen such as retaliation etc and will it strain relations further. Security at the airport was stricter when I flew back 2 college on monday. Others feeL that osamas death isn't that big of an event as he was just the figure head and that the mastermind is still out there."Laura Keast - Inglaterra"About Osama's death, I think everyone over here was very shocked and didn't expect it to happen. We had just had the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate on Friday 29th April so everyone was still happy and talking about that. And then when we heard the news on the Sunday everyone was surprised. I think a big part of it was because the UK has been fighting out there with America but we didn't know anything about their plans to kill him.
Now, a few days on, people are worried that there was no proof for them that the body was Osama Bin Laden, and some people are shocked that the President sat and watched it.
However I think the main reaction is relief that they caught him, respect for President Obama, and now worry that terrorist attacks could happen here and in the US."PS: I know I asked most of you to use your words here, but if i didn't and you want me to take off your name or all you said just let me know. ;)